2 Vocabulary Educational books that are Fun

Nothing is better than having a fun educational time with your children. These books help create unforgettable rewarding moments with them that can sometimes last a lifetime.
Just start by asking them questions, you can find them here. Wait till you see their reactions as the good times roll.

Starter questions ...

What is good, teaching or telling?
What has fur, a hamster or a snail?
What is bigger, a frog or a hog?
What has horns, a truck or a duck?

Share your stories anytime!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Just released "What has..."

Today I published "What has..." a similar format book as "What is..." but with "what has" questions.

Examples pulled from the book:
223) What has... compactors, a doctor or a garbage truck?
224) What has... levers, a tractor or a banana?
225) What has... cylinders, a penquin or an engine?
226) What has... ears, a bat or a ball?
227) What has... barnacles, a church or a ship?

Hope you have fun with your kids today.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why I was encouraged to write "What is"

Taxi cab to preschool one morning

I had a friend who owned a Taxi cab service in a small town who one day asked me if I would like to drive. I said yes and quickly found that driving a cab was something I enjoyed tremendously. I loved getting around to new places and meeting new people.

One morning I was asked to drive a four year old boy to preschool. When the boy got into the car I noticed he had some milk drool and sleepy in the corner of his eye. My feeling was that he overslept and was in a rush. I gave him a friendly hello of which he did not reply. Looking to engage him in conversation I asked if he liked school and he said yes and that his favorite part was his teacher, who was a woman. “That's really nice.” I said, which was followed by a moment of silence. Moving right along I asked him if I could ask him another question. “Yes.” was his reply.

What is bigger: the sun or the moon?” “The moon.” he replied. “OK. What is straight: a snake or a ruler?” “A ruler.” he said. “Great! You got it right.” I replied.
I started to ask another question when he stopped me. “The moon is bigger, right?” I said no and explained to him why. I believe from that point on he will always know the difference.

He quickly asked me for another question and another and another. He answered them all with excitement and enthusiasm. He was on a roll, and by the time he exited the car he had a smile on his face.

Some of the questions took a few moments to think of. I just wished I had some written down. That night I wrote down 25 of them just so I would be ready for the next time which was a few days later. As soon as he entered the car he asked for one of those questions.

On one particular morning I received a call to pick up three children that missed their elementary school bus. After they were buckled in I said good morning
which was followed by a “Good morning, sir.” They apprehensively agreed when I asked them if I could ask them a question.

What is brighter: the sun or the moon?” They all replied, “The sun.” One child asked if I could ask another one, I said yes. Since then I was hooked on being prepared all the time for the kids.

I know my job was to just be a taxi driver but I always felt better knowing I was at the attention of children in a very positive way. Several weeks later I finally had a manuscript edited and ready for publishing. “What is...” should always be a staple book for all parents, teachers, daycare workers, kids and of course Taxi cab drivers.

I hope everyone see's the importance of a child’s attention and tries to make the best of it. This book will help.  I was encouraged because it works.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fantastic new book to share with children

Have you ever asked your children simple questions like... for example: What is taller, a broom or a ladder? If you have then you know they always want you to ask another question and another... If you have not, then I would suggest trying some free samples to ask them to see what happens. Sometimes creative thinking at the voice of a child wanting more questions registers a blank for most. This book has 300 questions ready to ask any child, so please make "time with your children," happen for you, and try this very simple book that turns plain ordinary time into great creative time.

...cross your eyes a little to see the image above in 3D